"Code on Tap" - With DataFlex, you have a steady flow of efficient code, ready to be served.
The idea behind Scandinavian DataFlex Users Conference (SCANDUC) is to keep the budget low and include a lot of technical content, mixed with new product information from the Data Access Worldwide team. The agenda includes time for DataFlex developers to show their technical achievements that can inspire others.
But there is also time for mingling and social events like the surprise evening which always has a twist of something special.
FrontIoT has hosted most of the past SCANDUCs, and we are delighted to do so once again this year.
In other words: SCANDUC is THE conference that Scandinavian DataFlex Users must attend for the latest product information and direction, shared developer insights and, of course, some fun! Everyone worldwide with an interest in DataFlex is more than welcome too!
"Code on Tap" - With DataFlex, you have a steady flow of efficient code, ready to be served.